
December 2, 2016

How to Enjoy a Good Cup of Coffee & Still Arrive Early for That Morning Huddle with your Team

Every coffee drinker has a preferred brewing method. Me, I love brewing coffee in my Moka; it’s the perfect way to start my day. It takes around 30 minutes to prepare and enjoy my morning fill, and more if there’s good company at hand for small talk and laughter. 

But like everyone else, I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep only to wake up in a frenzied panic because I’m already late for an important meeting. Of course, I can always schedule meet-ups at a good coffee house, but that isn’t always the case.

Coffee Invitation
I was invited to a product launch at the Parc Royale Building, in Ortigas, last November 29. Hesitant at first because “product” means that I must endure long, boring talks about something, which I’m not remotely interested in and with people who are maniacally passionate about it and trying to convince the audience to automatically share the same excitement as if it was as easy as copy-paste.

Lest I be rude and walk out of my hosts, I’m a prisoner for the duration of the presentation. But it’s coffee, so I braved the incorrigible Metro Manila traffic in the pursuit of caffeine. Luckily, there were no long, boring talks and zealous speakers asking us to cough up a couple thousand bucks and register as a member, so kudos to the organizers for this.


Introducing the New elcafé. Bursting with Exciting 5 in 1 Taste.

In this world, full of coffee and network marketing, I’ve been invited to, and have tasted, coffee plus, plus, plus…. 3 in 1, 5 in 1, 7 in 1… These “products” tastes ranged from good to bad. Fortunately, elcafé fared well in my taste-test.

I’m not exaggerating when I say exciting 5 in 1 taste. I told MJ, the organizer, that it didn’t taste like gamot (medicine). I genuinely liked it. Sure, it had that weird, funky aftertaste, maybe because of the Ginko Biloba or Ginseng, but it was tolerable, for sure. I’ve had far worse.

All-in-all, I enjoyed the Elken elcafé 5 in 1 Coffee. It’s a welcome surprise from the direct selling world that sells pungent-tasting, healthy coffee that people would never trade for their grande at Starbucks. I highly recommend it as a healthy substitute for your home-brew when in a hurry, or something to bring to the office to avoid the stale coffee at the pantry.

Brewing Time
You only need 150 ml of hot water, stir in the coffee mix, and voila, a nice cup of coffee to wake you up on a cold morning. It takes less than five minutes to prepare; less if you already have hot water (preferably 85-90°C).

With that, I'd like to give a shout-out to MJ Catriz for the invite and to Elken for the welcoming atmosphere. 

In case you’re interested, you may go to their office at the Ground Floor of Parc Royale Building, Julia Vargas Avenue Corner Emerald Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. For more info, please visit their website

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