
October 5, 2016

True Riches

We are extremely lucky to be alive today. The advances in medicine, technology, and science have increased our life span, decreased mortality rate, reduced poverty, allowed wireless communications at lightning speeds, and information (on just about anything) is just a search away.

Above all this, the number of self-help books, podcasts and video casts, audio and video coaching programs, seminars, distance learning, and other worthwhile personal endeavors, have skyrocketed in the last ten years. I believe that the rising tide of spiritual awareness is the backbone of this revolution in self-development. It continues to grow day-by-day.

And because of the great opportunities available to us, at this time, I cannot help but wonder about its relationship to prosperity. Personally, if I am not a monk or a priest with a vow of poverty, then in all honesty, I would like for me and my family to live a prosperous and abundant life. Sadly, many people still haven't found the prosperity in their lives and live in despicable conditions. In the following quote, the ancient Chinese Sage Lao Tzu already explained how, 2,500 years ago:

Photo Credit: Chiara Abbate Flickr via Compfight cc

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.”

- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching 

In the various communities we partake in, both online and offline, we contribute ideas and opinions that shape the collective energy of the group. Helping our community become a positive influence makes it possible to take a step forward to what Stephen Covey calls “the age of wisdom”: the time when insight is the norm, productivity will skyrocket, and peace will occur. Lofty ideas, but something worth aspiring to attain in our lifetime.

On a more personal level, I believe that true riches can be equated with contentment and being grateful with what you have at any particular point in time. One doesn’t need to reach his or her financial goals to be prosperous, but we can simply be happy with what we have already; to strive to reach the peak of the mountain and be happy climbing it at the same time. 

I’ll be ending on this note, hoping to have shared a little light in a dark world. To quote Dr. Wayne Dyer, “there is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way”. Keep smiling every one.

*Originally published as “The Way to Prosperity In The Age Of Wisdom – Dr. Wayne Dyer” in Bubblews.