
March 13, 2009

A cozy coffee shop in Quezon City

Long before Starbucks came to the Philippines, we Filipinos already had a fondness for coffee ingrained into our consciousness. I remember growing up in Laguna, years ago, and drinking a special coffee brew every time we came home from a visit to Batangas. This special brew, kapeng barako as I found out much later, emitted an aroma that made me feel good, tastes great, and was the companion to many late night or early morning meetings.

I've recently discovered a coffee shop in West Avenue that serves great kapeng barako, with a twist. It's a small place with wi-fi and a quiet ambiance good for meetings or dates or just to hang around. Aptly called Varacco Cafe, it also serves cakes, pastries, noodles and cold beverages as well. 

So, if you happen to pass by West Ave., in between the corners of Cavite Street and Del Monte Avenue, drop by to sample the "kape" and share your experience with us.

UPDATE: Varacco Cafe closed shop.