
July 1, 2014

The Day When An Intruder Catnapped In Our Sofa

I've always been more of a "dog" person. We have four at home. Three puppies and an older askal (asong kalye) or aspin (asong Pinoy). I don't despise cats, but, for me, the fondness for canines is more pronounced.

One day, our dog "chu-chu" began barking wildly outside our front door. When I checked to see what's happening, a kitten stood, on her claws, terrified in a corner. She was trapped with no way to escape. So, my wife took her in and let her relax before we set her out again to rejoin her family; our next door neighbors.

Photo by: Romy Sollorano
As you can see, she became very comfy and slept in our couch the whole morning. We couldn't disturb her siesta so left her to rest for the whole day. Call it a free vacation after being terrorized by our dog.

We grew fond of the kitten and even thought of keeping her, rationalizing that she might be an orphaned or stray kitten.

Eventually, we had to let her go to keep the "peace" in our home. As we saw that there's no way that chu-chu (our aspin dog) will let her stay in the house without an insurrection.

Photo by: Romy Sollorano
This snapshot (on the left) was taken after a little cat nap (lol). After we let her go, she went to our neighbor's gate and played with the other cats there (I assumed they were her family). It was hard work keeping our dog from entering the house that day but knowing that the kitten has been able to rest and is now reunited with her family made our day.

We still see the kitten from time to time, but we will never forget the day when a cute little cat became our guest one Sunday morning.


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